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Senin, 23 September 2013

lirik lagu a skylit drive - rise

Some days I feel like a loaded gun
I paint a target on everyone
Get off your knees ‘coz I’m telling you
What’s done is done
What will you do?
Will you run?
You think you’re running away
I think you’re running in place
I’ve never seen you this way
Do not pray for an easy life
Search for the strength to walk the line
I see a hope that’s hard to find
So don’t run away
Some days I feel like I’m fucking done
I’m waging war against everyone
It’s killing me like it’s killing you
What’s done is done
What will you do?
Will you run?
You think you’re running away
I think you’re running in place
I’ve never seen you this way
Do not pray for an easy life
Search for the strength to walk the line
I see a hope that’s hard to find
So don’t run away
This ends tonight
Do not pray for an easy life
Search for the strength to walk the line
I see a hope that’s hard to find
So don’t run away

Lirik Lagu A Skylit Drive ex-machina

Final forewarning has gone through the door
I have seen this before
Etch it in my spine; now you think "he's mine" ... for all time
Overproduce me .. hoping for a dramatic change
Map out your great escape

What's the connection?
The slightest deception between you and me
Man and machine
Dissassemble me ... breathing at your knees
Your machine

Cut me open; you'll find what you've been looking for
Helpless in motion; arise to serve me once more

Relaxed movement brings too much pain to be seen
Overproduce me .. hoping for a dramatic change
Map out your great escape

What's the connection?
The slightest deception between you and me
Man and machine
Dissassemble me ... breathing at your knees
Your machine

Override command confirmed ... Manual control returned
Your machine

Lirik Lagu A Skylit Drive Fallen

The fallen
 A fire burns within me
 Never ending
 Keeps me close
 The quickness kills the cold
 in us
 We see the shit you do
 I'll never be like you
 You'll never follow through
 Let's make our move
 Destroy them all
 You are so hollow,
 empty and cold
 Will you follow
 even if I'm fallen?
 Give it up
 We're not
 giving up
 We're not afraid of
 what consumes you
 The quickness kills the cold
 in us
 Destroy them all
 You are so hollow,
 empty and cold
 Will you follow?
 Follow me under
 You won't bury me
 Not this time
 The fallen
 You won't bury me
 Not this time
 The fallen
 We will rise again
 We believe
 we were meant for something more
 We believe
 we are meant for something more
 What's left to fight for?4x
 You are so hollow,
 empty and cold
 Will you follow
 even if I'm fallen?
 You are so hollow,
 empty and cold
 Will you follow?
 Follow me under
 You won't bury me
 Not this time
 The fallen
 You won't bury me
 Not this time
 The fallen
 You won't bury me
 You won't bury me
 You won't bury me
 Not this time
 The fallen
 You won't bury me
 Not this time
 The Fallen
 You won't bury me
 Not this time
 The Fallen
 DOWNLOAD a skylit drive fallen.mp3

Selasa, 03 September 2013

Biodata Lengkap Setan


Nama : Iblis
Gelar : Laknatullah 'Alaihi (semoga Allah melaknatnya)

Lahir : Sebelum diciptakan manusia
Tempat tinggal : Toilet dan rumah yang tidak disebut nama Allah ketika memasukinya

Singgasana : Di atas air
Rumah masa depan : Neraka Jahanam, seburuk-buruk tempat tinggal

Agama : Kafir
Jabatan : Pimpinan Umum orang-orang yang dimurkai Allah dan sesat

Masa Jabatan : Hingga hari Kiamat
Karyawan : Setan jin dan setan manusia

Partner dalam bekerja : Orang yang diam dari kebenaran
Agen : Dukun dan paranormal
Musuh : kaum muslimin
Kekasih di dunia : Wanita yang hobi telanjang dan pamer aurat
Keluarga : Para thaghut
Cita-cita : Ingin membuat semua manusia kafir
Motto : Kemunafikan adalah akhlak yang paling utama
Hobi : Menyesatkan manusia dan menjerumuskan ke dalam dosa
Lukisan kesayangan : Tato
Mata pencaharian : Mencari harta yang haram
Makanan favorit : Bangkai manusia (ghibah)
Tempat favorit : Tempat-tempat najis dan tempat maksiat
Tempat yang dibenci : Majlis ilmu dan temat-tempat ketaatan
Alat komunikasi : ghibah (menggunjing), namimah (adu domba), dan dusta

Jurus Andalan :

1. Memoles kebathilan
2. Menamakan maksiat dengan nama yang indah
3. Menamakan ketaatan dengan nama yang tidak disukai
4. Masuk melalui pintu yang disukai manusia
5. Menyesatkan manusia secara bertahap
6. Menghalang-hala­ ngi manusia dari kebenaran
7. Berlagak sebagai penasihat

Kelemahan :

1. Tidak berkutik di hadapan orang yang ikhlas
2. kewalahan menghadapi orang yang berilmu
3. Lari dari suara adzan
4. Lari dari rumah yang dibacakan al-Baqarah
5. Menyingkir dari orang yang berdzikir kepada Allah
6. Menangis ketika melihat orang bersujud kepada Allah

Marilah Kita Berdoa Kepada Allah Swt Agar Dijauhkan Dari Godaan Syaitan.... Aamiin